I'm Ahmed, UX/UI Designer.

I am 24 years old. I have a bachelor’s degree in computer technology engineering. I work as a full-time UX/UI and after working in the company, I moved to self-employment.

big image  boy with pen

In my free time

I create content for my Instagram account, teaching young designers about user interface design, user experience design, and visual design

Since I was young

I've always been interested in the arts and the functionality of things. I was very curious and always wanted to know how things worked; I think that's where my engineer side comes from. My love for design and engineering has helped me shape myself into the digital product designer that I am today. Besides my desire to solve problems, simplifying the way users interact with products or services is my goal.

Desgin Process

My mission
Create digital products that meet the needs and expectations of users by researching and understanding the target audience and also making them very beautiful
My oal
Designing the best websites and applications that people will always remember. In addition to creating a wonderful community of designers characterized by creative design thinking and problem solving

My tools



Google meet








Vc code

My customer

client one
 quotation mark

Thank you very much for the elegant dealings and I was also impressed with the very beautiful results, all the best to you

Graham Griffiths

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client 2
 quotation mark

The results exceeded my expectations Details, the design was comprehensive and focused on small details that we did not think about

Graham Griffiths

star 1star 2star 3star 4star 5
client 3
 quotation mark

Mr. Ahmed, the design was very beautiful, and all the officials liked it. Impressive results. Well done

Graham Griffiths

star 1star 2star 3star 4star 5

This site was designed and built by me. But feel free to be inspired.